Friday, June 28, 2013

Little Princess

In my last post we announced that we were looking to bring home a little girl along with our precious Caius.  We found her. I'll officially announce her and show her picture in a few days.  Right now we need to update our family sponsor page.  It took a bit to get everything arranged, and we finally got approved yesterday.  She's not in the same region as him, but not too far away.  Her being in a different region though, means increased costs. 

You can see from our fund raising thermometer that we're going to need about $12,000 in addition to that which we need to bring Caius home.  We talked about her, and look elsewhere, and then talked about her and tried looking elsewhere, and then researched more about her, and asked more about  little girls elsewhere, but we always came back to her.  She's a pretty little thing and about the size of Caius although she is a couple years older.  She, Ian and Caius will be triplets, but you can rest assured, she, like Flora, will be a girly, girl! 

Jode and I have always believed big!  We figure God is most pleased when we believe Him for that which others would think impossible.  We tell our giants how big our God is and not our God how big the giants are. 

All the paperwork is almost complete.  I'll be so happy when it is.  We've begun grant writing to help raise funds and are hoping to have a huge yard sale with the help of our church family.  Still, any help you can give us by donating to our account via the side button to the right of this page, would be most appreciated.  If you're international, not in the US, you can donate via paypal and it will do the currency conversion for us. 

Speaking of, a shout out for whoever it is in Croatia that's reading this blog.  That's amazing. 

Please keep the prayers coming.

With love,

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